Support a fallen firefighter: Stewart family fundraiser, Jan 6
The Thomas Fire brought an incredible display of what firefighters do. Stan Stewart was a dedicated member of the Los Padres Hot Shots for over 30 years, and worked tirelessly to protect the nation’s forests. He was a leader in the firefighting community and dedicated his life to training personnel and improving the safety of boots on the ground. Sadly, Stan lost a nine-year battle with cancer in November. We had this fundraiser on the schedule before the Thomas fire, and the experience and aftermath of it adds a tangible poignancy to all those who battle wildfires on our behalf.
January 6, we’ll be hosting the Santa Barbara County FireFighters Association in a fundraiser for Stan’s family as they face daunting medical bills. Please make a point to come by, do what you can, and thank a firefighter one of the best ways you can, by supporting the family of the fallen. We're fairly certain camaraderie with this crew will be through the roof. We'll have live music by the Surf Bumz, fantastic auction and raffle items, Tri-tip on the grill from Shalhoob Meat Company, and maybe even a fresh, craft beer with your name on it. See you then!