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Outdoor Gear Exchange / Live Music: Do No Harm / Food Truck: Shrimp vs. Chef

  • Island Brewing Company 5049 6th Street Carpinteria, CA, 93013 United States (map)

Buy, sell, trade, up-cycle  your Outdoor Gear! We’re closing off the parking lot for an  Outdoor Gear Exchange, March 27 from  11-2.  It’ll be a day of bicycles, surfboards, wetsuits, tents, skis, snowboards, and who knows what else;  in short all that good stuff you’ve been tripping over in your garage finding new homes and new adventures, to make time and space for you to get on to your new adventures. So come one and all, first come, first dibs! Can’t wait to see what you bring.12-3

Shrimp Vs. Chef will post up with their blend of savory eats from 12-9 pm, and it’s been a bit, but we’re back in the live music business, Do No Harm band will get you moving and grooving! 6-9 pm!

Earlier Event: February 21
Wii Bowling